
給与保護プログラム(Paycheck Protection Program)第二弾は、数日で枯渇すると言われていたのに融資受付開始から2週間経過しても枯渇しなかった。


Nearly two weeks later, about 40% of the money remains available, according to figures released late Friday by the Small Business Administration, even as small businesses continue to suffer from the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.
Several factors appear to be behind cooling demand, including the Treasury Department’s decision following an uproar to exclude public companies and others that could obtain funding elsewhere.
Another reason: Some borrowers sought duplicate loans from several lenders as a backstop against loan denials or delays, according to bankers and small business advisers. Bigger banks found that more than 10% of their applications were duplicates, according to loan brokers and industry officials. Some smaller lenders reported that half their applications were rejected because the applicant had gotten a loan elsewhere.
But the likely biggest reason for the slowdown is that many business owners have concluded that the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program simply doesn’t meet their needs, lenders and others say, or they are waiting for the government to clarify the terms under which loans can be forgiven.







Thousands of Catholic churches in the U.S. received loans from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) meant for businesses struggling amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report by CBS News
The majority of the 17,000 Catholic churches in the United States — between 12,000 and 13,000 parishes — applied for the PPP loans that were created as part of COVID-19 stimulus efforts. 

Forty percent of Protestant churches in the U.S. also filed for PPP loans through the CARES act, or the SBA, according to a survey by LifeWay Research. Of those that applied, 59 percent were approved, according to CBS News. 
